Alexander Bar & Café to open small theatre space

Alexander Bar & CaféAlexander Bar & Café are pleased to announce the opening of a tiny theatre space upstairs at the already-famous Cape Town CBD restaurant and bar in mid-October. By tiny, they mean small, boutique. No swinging pets and wear protection.

No longer do you need to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous torture.

Starting mid-October all kinds of shows will be happening: music, stand up, revues, comedy, readings, storytelling, screenings, book launches, nude beat lesbian poetry. Instead of having runs of things they are opting once-off performances and recurring weekly and monthly events. Some shows are already loaded on their system, see below.

Just say “Yes, please.”, and book here.

Wednesday 12 September 2012 • 6pm to 9pm • Todays Cocktail Special
The Classic Bombay Gin Martini is 2 for 1. That’s R42 for 2.

Thursday 18 October 2012 • 8pm • Stuart Lightbody
Come and have your mind blown! Expe­ri­ence the award win­ning sleight of hand artistry and psy­cho­log­i­cal illu­sion of Stu­art Light­body in an inti­mate and inter­ac­tive environment.

Friday 19 October 2012 • 9pm • Pants on Fire!
The deadly com­edy pair of Rob van Vuuren and Mar­tin Evans host this award win­ning com­edy mag­a­zine show. It sold out at Gra­ham­stown and now we’re kick­ing off Alexan­der Upstairs with it as part of our Launch party. Includes 3 celebrity* guests.

Saturday 20 October 2012 • 4pm • Thwack! Theatre Fest
Spin­ning tales from comic book and movie gen­res, 5 teams of per­form­ers will cre­ate 5 epic sto­ries with only their bod­ies and their voices; with the best team get­ting a cash prize.

Wednesday 24 October 2012 • 8pm • Tape Hiss and Sparkle
Off-beat lo-fi folk from Simon Tamblyn.

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