Women’s Day Recipe for the Boys to Try

women's day Shortbread recipeGentlemen, why don’t you surprise the women in your lives by rustling up some shortbread? This recipe is extremely easy to execute, done and dusted in under an hour. Furthermore, it is the creation of Jackie Cameron, one of Dining OUT’s International Women’s Day chefs.




  • 200ml sugar
  • 470g salted butter
  • 5 cups of baking flourshortbread for women's day
  • ½ cup castor sugar


Turn oven on to 165 degrees Celsius. Cream the butter and sugar well in a large bowl. Once blended, sift the flour into the bowl. Knead well and then press into a baking tin, ensuring the mixture covers the bottom of the tin. Prick the shortbread-to-be with a fork (imagine one prick per slice) and then bake for 35min (or until cooked). Remove from oven when it’s ready and sprinkle with castor sugar. If you’re feeling creative you could also dip the pieces in some melted chocolate once they’re sliced. Cut the shortbread into slices and serve to your mom/sister/girlfriend/wife/friend with coffee.

Happy weekend baking! And remember to share this recipe if you like it!

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