Everyone Wins with Graham Beck Wines

Full Game Reserve range

Graham Beck Wines is offering 2 full sets of The Game Reserve range to 2 lucky Dining-OUT fans. To stand a chance to win, leave a comment on the Graham Beck Competition post on our facebook page telling us which Graham Beck wine from the Game Reserve range you think you’d like best and why you should win the grand prize. The two comments with the most likes will win. Competition closes on Friday 24 May.

Now for a little background scoop.

“People are not going to care about animal conservation unless they think that animals are worthwhile.” These words were spoken by renowned conservationist David Attenborough, and they apply, in the most positive sense, to the Graham Beck Wines brand.

In honour of the animals and natural biodiversity that the company holds in such high regard, Graham Beck has introduced The Game Reserve portfolio of wines.

Cellar master extraordinaire, Erika Obermeyer said, “Just as in wine our fragile ecosystem is wholly dependent on balance, harmony, continuity and longevity. It truly is the case of ‘the sum of the parts’ when it comes to farming sustainably and responsibly. When we practice environmentally responsible viticulture and wine making, we not only ensure the quality of our product, we guarantee the future of our planet as well.” Particularly well put when you consider the desperate state of our planet.

However while earth may be over-populated by humans and its resources dwindling, as a consumer, you do have some power over the state of the planet. As we’ve mentioned before on this blog, where you spend your money counts and which brands you choose to support makes a difference.

Graham Beck Robertson estate

The Graham Beck estate in Robertson.

Here are 5 reasons why Graham Beck Wines is a brand worth supporting:

#1 It is the only wine brand associated with a game reserve*, able to demonstrate measurable actions taken to conserve the environment.
#2 Graham Beck Wines was crowed the second Biodiversity and Wine Initiative (BWI) Biodiversity Champion and is only one of 28 South African wineries able to boast this achievement.
#3 In September 2006 Mossie Basson, Graham Beck’s conservation manager, confirmed that the Riverine rabbit, once thought extinct and still considered rare is alive and well in the Breede Sand Fynbos section of the reserve.
#4 In July 2007, the Rooiberg Breede River Conservancy was formed. That equals 13 500 hectares of natural vegetation. Graham Beck pioneered this project and got neighbouring landowners involved.
#5 Graham Beck sometimes gives away free wine!

Graham Beck Wine

Graham Beck Wines Game Reserve portfolio comprises 9 wines, each depicting an iconic African animal:
• The Game Reserve Chenin Blanc – The Riverine Rabbit
• The Game Reserve Sauvignon Blanc – The Fish Eagle
• The Game Reserve Chardonnay – The Cape Eagle Owl
• The Game Reserve Viognier – The Honey Badger
• The Game Reserve Rosé – Esterhuysenia grahambeckii
• The Game Reserve Pinotage – The Bat Eared Fox
• The Game Reserve Merlot – The Cape Clawless Otter
• The Game Reserve Shiraz – The Eland
• The Game Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon – The Cape Leopard

This competition is an opportunity for you to win, and if you don’t win this prize, buying Graham Beck wines means that the planet wins. Since earth is our one and only home, this has benefits for all of us. See, like we said, everyone wins!

Enter the competition now!

*The Graham Beck Robertson Estate lies in the Succulent Karoo Eco-System in the Breede River Valley. The valley is extremely rich in plant and geographical diversity. The ratio of cultivated farmlands to protected biodiversity is 1 ha to 4.5 ha.

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